Présentation du projet « Découverte de la ville » illustré autour du thème des achats et de la monnaie

Presentation of the “City discovery” project illustrated around the theme of purchases and currency

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Summary :

The “City discovery” project is a training method focused on daily living autonomy development, inside and outside, for teenagers and young adults suffering from learning disabilities, autism or traumatic brain injuries. This article describes a rigorous method and specific learning tools, based on the explanation of the fundamental principles of this practice and the concrete illustration of the book "De la monnaie aux achats quotidiens, s’entraîner pas à pas pour devenir autonome en situation d’achat" (Sourd & Rol, 2017). This book was developped with suggestions for interventions with clients. A reflection on the advantages and limitations of this method will shed light on the meaning of the occupational therapy profession.

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Article rédigé par :
  • Amélie Sourd

    Ergothérapeute DE
    Maison des Consultants
    60, avenue du Médipole
    38300 Bourgoin-Jallieu

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